Dike municipalities ask motorcyclists’ cooperation
KNMV affiliated motorcycle clubs are asked to use the
protect vulnerable dike roads in the river area as much as possible. Also requests
one motorcyclists to be considerate of other road users there and
residents. The request is supported by the umbrella motorcycle association. Last year, a similar action already resulted in improved handling and
less noise pollution.
Sound, speed and large groups
On weekends, the dyke roads are a popular travel destination. Not only for
motorcyclists, but also for cyclists and touring cyclists, convertible clubs and
hikers. That creates a lot of crowds of very diverse recreational traffic.
Residents along levee roads regularly complain to their municipality about these
traffic congestion. Motorcyclists are then often mentioned because of their noise, speed
and riding in large groups.
The municipalities are asking all road users – including motorcyclists – to follow the
– Ride as little as possible in large groups
– Adjusting speed to prevailing maximum
– Speed also adjust to other
road users and residents
– Quiet driving in small villages with narrow streets
– Using motorcycle, car or moped, rev as little as possible (use high
– Do not drive with illegal exhausts
Alternative means; prevent closure
Following the example of other municipalities, Maasdriel has some motto signs along its
dikes placed. Councilman René Smits emphatically states that it is not only
about motorcyclists. “They fall by their recognizability perhaps the
most, but it’s emphatically about the behavior of àll dike users.”
Other measures include: constructing speed bumps, plateaus, modified road markings and setting speed limits of 60km/h and sometimes even 30km/h. The police have been asked – and have agreed – to regularly
checking for speed and noise and, in particular, surveying unobtrusively.
All parties want to prevent dikes from being open to motorized traffic on weekends
be closed and that can only be done if we are more considerate of each other.