Driving school Vinkeveen
Driving School Vinkeveen | Are you ready to take driving lessons or do you need to get another driver’s license? Then, for example, do you want to get a BE driver’s license or is it time for continuing education? For all of these you can turn to Alblas, the driving school in Vinkeveen! You can come to us for just about anything related to driver’s licenses. From obtaining an AM driver’s license to various Code 95 courses. We have been providing quality and reliability since 1961!

Driving school Vinkeveen, Alblas for all courses!
If you want to drive a car, motorcycle, scooter or even a truck, you need a driver’s license. A different driver’s license for each vehicle. For example, to drive a car you need the B license and for motorcycles you need an A1 license. Alblas offers all the different driving lessons under one roof. Below are the different driving courses:
- Car Driving Lessons (License B)
- Motorcycle driving lessons (A1, A2 and A licenses)
- Scooter Driving Lessons
- Truck driving lesson
- Trailer driving lessons (for driving license BE, C1E and CE)
- Code 95
Thereby, you can also choose from different, economical total packages with theory and practical lessons in one. Furthermore, you then also have the choice of ordering a subsequent exam. That way you’re done in one go without paying too much.
Theory courses at driving school Alblas Vinkeveen
For your driver’s license A, AM, B and T (tractor license), you can take a day course in theory. In 1 or 1.5 days you learn all the theory you need and can take your exam the next day. Pretty quick and easy! The dates and details of the theory courses can be found on the site. By the way, for car, motorcycle and scooter, theory books are also available in the Alblas webshop.
Driving license crash course
Is there a rush to get your driver’s license? Or do you simply not feel like/time to follow an entire course? Then you can also take this at driving school Alblas Vinkeveen in a shortened course! So you can get your car license in 5, 7, 8 or 10 days! Thus, you will go on the road several days in a row, making the learning process much faster. This will also help you finish your driving lessons a lot faster.
Professional driving instructors
Driving School Vinkeveen | During driving lessons, the priority is that you feel comfortable. Being relaxed on the road is good for concentration and driving comfort. This also has the side effect of helping you master driving a lot faster. For these reasons, at Verkeersschool Alblas you will always receive professional guidance from an experienced driving instructor. You will also always have the same instructor so he or she can keep a close eye on your progress and adjust lessons accordingly. It is not for nothing that Alblas has high success rates. For driving license B this is 55 – 60%, for the A license 75 – 80% and for driving license E (trailer license) and driving license scooter (AM) as much as 80 – 85%!
Take a trial class!
To make sure Alblas driving lessons are a good fit for you, it’s best to take a trial lesson at the traffic school first. This way both you and your driving instructor get a good first impression; you of what it’s like to take lessons at Alblas, and the instructor of your skills and what you need. Request a trial lesson today or order your lesson package directly through the Verkeersschool Alblas website. Any questions about anything? Feel free to ask them by calling 0880241888 or using the contact form at the top of this page. From the AM license to the BE license and everything in between: at Alblas you’ll get it!