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Scooter theory course (AM)


The scooter theory course is one day of theory lessons. Take scooter theory in 1 day and increase your chances of passing the exam right away.

The theory course is held at our Woerdense Verlaat location, near Woerden.

The theory course trains for the scooter theory exam for driver's license AM. This exam is officially called"moped theory exam. In fact, the corresponding license is also called "moped license AM.

Scooter theory in 1 day

You will receive classroom instruction from an experienced theory instructor.

The course content focuses on the"moped theory exam. So it is not a general theory course that you do together with students for other driving licenses.

The course lasts a day, and is quite intensive.
This is because we strive to ensure that you not only pass your theory, but that you actually understand the traffic rules. Only then can you easily apply them in practice. It is important for your own safety that you can react quickly to traffic, and not have to think about the rules first.

For many people, intersection rules are the trickiest topic of scooter theory. In the course, therefore, we discuss this in detail.

Of course, the instructor also covers the other topics of the scooter theory exam. During the day, you will do practice questions on your phone, which the insctructor will review in class.
At the end of the day, you will take a full mock theory exam.

Immediately schedule scooter theory course

You may take the scooter theory exam from age 15.5. You must have your theory to be able to drive for the scooter license AM.
The theory certificate remains valid for a year and a half.

Driving lessons and the practical scooter exam are allowed from the age of 16.

step 1: book moped theory exam

The first step is to reserve your theory exam at exam institute CBR. Check out "theory exam moped.
Due to crowds, there is currently a significant wait time for scooter theory exams at the CBR. The options vary quite a bit.

You'll get your turn fastest if you check several times in one day for favorable exam dates. New theory exams are also often released in the evenings.
Furthermore, it may matter at which location you will take the exam.

Hence, we now recommend that you arrange it yourself, rather than having us reserve it for you.
If you want us to do it, buy a separate theory exam scooter from us. At checkout you then indicate that you want the theory course with it. You can do so under "Comments.

Please note that once the theory exam is booked, it cannot be more cancelled. You can reschedule. This also allows you to bring it forward if an earlier date becomes available.

When choosing an exam date, keep a slant on the dates of our theory courses. In fact, it works best if you can keep the time between the course and the exam short.

step 2: book scooter theory course

Once you know when you will be going up for your theory, you can also schedule the theory course.

At the bottom of the page is a calendar with possible dates for scooter theory in 1 day. In it you can sign up for a particular day.

step 3: theory book scooter

The scooter theory book is not included in the course.

It is convenient to order it in advance. If you come to the course well prepared, you will get the most out of it.

Where and when

Date and time: see calendar below for possible theory days
Location: Woerdense Verlaat (theory course) and CBR, location of your choice (theory exam). You travel to the CBR yourself.

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